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Hi. Welcome to my site. I am limpbizkit DVD bootlegs trader since 2003.

Thanks to some people, I started doing it again, and there are certain results, for example, thanks to my actions, traders saw 2 shows from Tulsa 1997, having teamwork we are sure that we will be able to finding some more Rare limbizkit DVD in the future. I like to collect  limbizkit DVD ONLY 1997-2009, I'm interested only in limpizkit and ONLY 1997-2009..

E-mail me if you want to trade. I'm always glad to communicate, but I have a few RULES:

- You contact first, you send first;
- I like to respond quickly and when quickly respond to me;
- Only online trade. No parcels;
- I can buy bootlegs;
- Be nice;
- Don't RIP me;


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